

Hey I'm Raychel Jane Frew. I am 20 years old and live on the Gold Coast, Australia. I am an Australian based model who has travelled overseas to America representing Australia in competition glamour modelling.
A major suntanning brand in America.
I have experience in glamour and swimwear photographic work but would like to extend my work into fashion and high fashion photographic work.
Be sure to check out the my older posts, they are "HOT"!
When the magazines have to air brush you so much that your face doesnt even look like you anymore then your no way the hottest girl on face book. Go have a look at this chicks pics in Zoo and her cover....the cover is so badly air brushed it looks nothing like her. We know you dont have a great nose but when they air brush it you look even worse. Do yourself a favour get a nose job or tell them to stop air brushing you. Beauty is natural, anyone is hot with air brush.
The ones that deserve to be talked about are the naturally hot girls you see that in person are hotter then their photos, my personal favs I have seen in comps that are naturally beautiful Brooke evers, Emily Scott, Tina Wallman, Hunney Harris, Amanda Hinchcliffe etc I could go on. I think if you need to be air brushed to the max you dont deserve the photo nor to be on our covers....we want REAL BEAUTY!
Ill second what this guy said....too many chicks out there these days that think their models.
Well I have to say that all men's mags around the world are slighty air brushed and thats just how it is... I have seen Raychel in person.. and she is fucking HOT! Not to mention, a seriously smart, lovely woman... so how bout you keep your horrible thoughts to your self and find something better with your time than writing hurtful comments!!
Raych... your a stunner and a truly beautiful girl..
hahahahahah to the first comment this person hasnt got a fucking clue. If you think any of these chicks in Zoo, ralph fhm ect havent had work done on there nose, tits or other bits then your trippin off ur fuckin gutts Ive dating model girls that a have fake boobs and surgery and it doesnt mean shit. There still naturally hot they have just made them self look even hotter
eat a dick bitch
ps who the fuck is hunny harris????
Most models are, as far as I'm concerned, flat-out ugly. Raychel is a rare exception. Anyone who had seen her in real life would quickly realise that the retarded art directors of Zoo, FHM, Ralph and any other "men's" magazines use makeup and airbrushing to make genuinely attrative girls like this look uglier. I suppose that it's so we don't raise our expectations of thier content too much. Raychel, do yourself a favour and get the hell out of Australia, it's a trap that just holds you back.
I think people need to grow up & stop writing blogs as Anonymous when there trying to high note themselves.
Raychel is not that hot up close I know this personally,I have seen her up close,my friends have done shoots of her & I have seen the untouched pics she's not bad.
I also know people that went to school with her & she was nothing till she bought titts & they airbrushed her for hours so all of you grow up.Every girl gets air brushed, just sometimes they have to go over board to make it look how they want. I have seen this with a few of Raychel's covers so I do agree with the first person.
But I think for true beauty Tina is one of the best I've seen up close & in pictures & I have been a photographer for over 30 years with some of the biggest names in the industry. As the comment about "who the f is hunny harris" she's one of the most beautiful girls I've come across in all my work in Australia & a pleasure to deal with. If you don't know who she is then your not even qualified to comment. Unless your a photographer with my experience none of you have any right to comment. Raychel you look lovely but things like this that are attached to you will damage your modelling career. No one wants a child model,It's clear you wrote the comments yourself just by looking at the date & times.
Coming from someone that has been in the industry a long time I would have them all removed before photographers get a hold of this petty name calling.
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To the photographer above, I couldn't have said it better myself. I personally know people that know her from school and have done many shoots with her & agree the same. Before the plastic & Air Brush you wouldn't have looked sideways at Raychel.
As for the petty blogging I agree, Raychel stop writing to "try" and make yourself look better cause you just sound like a petty child & unfortunately it's a big problem you possess I am told by many.
As for the models mentioned above I personally have done shoots with all of them & I agree with the first person they are all naturally beautiful even in their raw images especially Amanda, Hunney and Tina.3 of my personal favourites.
She is perfect, all about her is perfect, wow what a rocking body she have, she is so yummy.
i went to school with her and she was smoking hot! :)
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